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Photo of fibi algabrilitz the numerologist

At the age of 20 I was first exposed to the world of numerology and found a realistic and mystical world.  I was intrigued, began to explore the field, and the deeper I got, the more I saw how big and infinite it was

During this period, when I first started, there were very few books, most of them collections of complicated formulas, without explanations and source so I researched and discovered my own sources, and these have been used successfully to this day. 

These methods that I discovered singled me out in my profession.  They connect me to the mysteries of Kabbalah and to additional secrets hidden in other religions.  

Over the years I have counselled thousands of people in Israel and abroad and passed to them my knowledge of their essence and purpose in the world.

The consultations take place in my clinic, on the phone and at the artists' fair in Nahalat Binyamin in Tel Aviv.  If you are curious like me and want to get clear and honest answers for questions that concern you, call now and I will be happy to serve you as much as necessary.  

Why Numerology?


A person's date of birth contains information about opportunities and possibilities in a person's life.  Kabbalistic numerology allows us to reveal the nature of human beings.


Every person on the day of his birth was born with a "mission" (destiny in life) which in terms of fate he is supposed to realise.  The role of destiny is to give us opportunities to realise our destiny and occasionally it checks if we are in the right direction, on the correct path to final realisation.


The key sentence in numerology is "everything is expected and permission is given."


"All is expected" means every person has a specific vocation with which he is born and which he must fulfil.


“Permission is given” means in the course of his life, a person is faced with the dilemmas and decisions he must make.  Every decision brings him closer or distances him from the realisation of his destiny.  It is Fate that checks from time to time, rewards the person when he is on the right path, or direct though negative experiences when the person deviates from the path.


In the course of our lives, we receive answers about the choices we made in various areas of our lives: marital status, place of residence, occupation, livelihood and much more..

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